NOM’s Chick-Fil-A Photo Fibbing

NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, as we all know, made a mistake and told their supporters yesterday was Governor Huckabee‘s “Eat At Chick-Fil-A Day” to support the embattled Christian fast food retailer. So, it should come as no surprise that they couldn’t come up with many photos of swamped Chick-Fil-A restaurants.

But yesterday on the NOM blog, they posted this photo, taken by Thomas Peters, NOM’s “American Papist,” who “visited the DC Chick-fil-A foodtruck and reported packed lines the whole lunch hour.”

Yes, packed lines — but not going to the Chick-fil-A food truck!

Look closely at the line. Clearly, it’s going to whatever that truck next to it is. If there were “packed lines the whole lunch hour,” they weren’t at the DC Chick-fil-A food truck.

More examples of NOM photo fibbing.

Remember when NOM stole a photo from a President Obama speech and  posted it as if hundreds of thousands of people came out to oppose same-sex marriage? Even their allies called it “unethical.”

These people have no credibility, or integrity.

Hat tip: Good As You.

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