NOM’s Brian Brown: Gay Marriage Activists Are ‘Attacking Our Children’

NOM’s latest fundraising enterprise, the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, just emailed supporters, asking for money, claiming “We must debunk the myth that the same-sex marriage movement is about “live-and-let-live.” We cannot let them have a free pass when they’re attacking our CHILDREN” 

Damian Goddard, the fired anti-gay sportscaster that the National Organization For Marriage (NOM) hired last year as the spokesperson for Maggie Gallagher‘s pet project, the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, today appears in a fundraising email and video attacking the vindicated teacher of a 14-year old Christian anti-gay bigot whose mother is suing her son’s school district to get the court to declare as unconstitutional the school’s sexual-orientation-specific anti-bullying policy.

NOM’s Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance (“brought to you by the National Organization for Marriage Education Fund,” i.e., how they play around with tax-exemption rules,) email, signed by NOM President Brian Brown, starts:

Dear Marriage Supporter,

He’s 14 years old and goes to Church with his parents.

And he was recently kicked out of class and threatened with suspension by his teacher. What did he do wrong?

He disagreed with his economics teacher over the morality of homosexual conduct.

Brown concludes,

We must debunk the myth that the same-sex marriage movement is about “live-and-let-live.” We cannot let them have a free pass when they’re attacking our CHILDREN.

Yes, that’s right. We’re attacking your children. When, in reality, it’s children who are taught to be anti-gay bullies by their anti-gay parents, who are attacking gay kids, LGBTQ kids, kids even perceived as LGBTQ, and us.

When is the last time you read a headline like, “15-Year Old Christian Student Dies By Suicide After Relentless Bullying By Gay Classmates”?

I’m glad you never have. Believe me, it would be terrible.

But don’t even try it Brian. It is you, and NOM, and other anti-gay hating organizations who contribute to, help create, and financially profit from an the environment responsible for the suicides and attempted suicides of thousands of LGBTQ kids each year.

Let’s look now at the video:

Goddard, in the video above, asks, “When does an ordinary, run-of-the-mill high school economics class go horribly wrong?” The answer is when it’s Spirit Day — not that Goddard or Gallagher would bother to mention this. The New Civil Rights Movement author Scott Rose — whose name appears prominently in Gallagher’s video — reported in December:

On Spirit Day, October 20, 2010, in Howell High School in Howell, Michigan, teacher Jay McDowell was teaching enlightened acceptance values towards LGBTers.

The topic fit very well with the special day and also with McDowell’s general class topic, Economics, as prejudice against LGBTers has negatively impacted them economically and moreover reduced their contributions to the economy generally.

In a well-publicized incident, student Daniel Glowacki was asked to leave the classroom because McDowell found that the student was creating a disturbance, which allegedly included his opining that, for theocratic reasons, gays are not acceptable.

Rose, who filed an official complaint against Glowacki’s attorneys, adds:

This lawsuit is stuffed full of appalling, gay-bashing, defamatory bigotry. It states, for example, that all homosexuals live a “destructive lifestyle.”

If you watch and listen closely to the highly-edited video filled with ominous music and pans ken Burns would be proud of (or, more likely, sickened by,) you’ll hear Daniel Glowacki and his mother, Sandra Glowacki, re-tell (and by re-tell, I mean, tell an interesting version devoid of many of the facts) the story.

In fact, Maggie’s video is ludicrous, and it doesn’t help that her little cardboard cut out figurines remind me somehow of those Taiwan animations of stupid American stories, like Charlie Sheen’s Plaza Hotel adultery and subsequent rage, or the TSA’s full body scanners and enhanced pat downs.

The video and its allegations are ludicrous. Even Sandra Glowacki says in this video that the teacher was exonerated. Daniel’s classmates have come out in defense of the teacher, Jay McDowell.

Apparently, the only ones who think the Glowackis have a case to complain about are NOM — who’s trying to make money off them — NOM’s spokesperson, who was fired after posting an anti-gay tweet, and the Glowacki’s attorneys.

I rest my case.

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