NOM Robocalls Rhode Island: Marriage In ‘Unprecedented Danger’

The National Organization For Marriage (NOM) is robocalling Rhode Islanders, claiming marriage is in “unprecedented danger” as the state legislature is voting on same-sex marriage. There is an excellent chance the House in Rhode Island will pass the marriage equality bill it’s voting on today, but the real fight will be at the Senate. If the bill passes both chambers, Rhode Island’s Independent Governor, Lincoln Chafeee, has promised to sign it.

Here’s the audio of the robocall, thanks to Jeremy Hooper of Good As You:

Hooper today also posted a video (below) of NOM’s Christopher Plante (who recorded the robocall) and his thoughts on gay people and marriage equality.

Via GLAAD’s Commentator Accountability Project, a few of Plante’s “greatest” hits on the LGBT community:

— Says children of gay parents are in a “tragic situation” and equated having gay parents to having divorced or even dead parents (see second video down on webpage)

— Says gay couples who adopt “turn children into little teacup dogs — it’s an accessory to put in my purse” (see video from 4:35-5:16)

— Said bills that assist domestic partners in making funeral arrangements for their late loved ones “serve simply as ‘Trojan Horses’ for homosexual-marriage”

— Says “homosexual marriage tells me I’m an option to my daughter, no different from a sun roof” (beginning at 1:03:00)

— Says gays can “change” and so they don’t deserve civil rights (beginning at 1:04:00)

— Says gays are trying to “hijack” bullying concerns in order to promote same-sex marriage; claims “the bullying thing is a red herring” (at 1:07:00)

— Admits he is also against same-sex adoption; believes children of gays are always lacking (beginning at 13:45)


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