NOM Pushes Poll With Best Title Ever: ‘Gay Marriage Still Unpopular Where It Isn’t Already Legal’

NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, today is pushing a new poll by a brand new conservative polling organization. Best thing about the poll? The title:

Poll: Gay marriage still unpopular where it isn’t already legal

And, same-sex marriage is popular where it’s legal.

Do the knuckleheads at NOM have really no inner editor, no, “Hey, wait that sounds like maybe…”

Harper Polling, which was launched in December of last year by the lead pollster of the Republicans’ Congressional Committee (and we all know how “skewed” the left wing polls were, and the right’s polls were “accurate”…) claims that in states that have yet to make same-sex marriage legal, the citizenry is against it.

And while we know that nationwide, across all 50 states, the latest polls find 53 percent to 58 percent support same-sex marriage.

And we know this new conservative poll is not correct.

62 percent of New Jersey voters support same-sex marriage.

60 percent of Rhode Island voters support the legalization of same-sex marriage

50 percent in Illinois support a marriage equality bill under consideration, only 29 percent oppose it

53 percent of Coloradans say the freedom to marry should be available for all couples.

61% of California residents support the freedom to marry

55% of Hawaii residents say they think marriage between same-sex couples should be legal

54 percent of Oregon residents support the freedom to marry

The list goes on and on.

UPATE: Two readers pointed out what I can’t believe I missed:


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