NOM President Lies, Claims Marriage Inequality Is A Civil Right

I guess if you’re the president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), you think you’re doing God’s work, and yet, you think you can flip-flop and lie just to get your truth out there. Oh, and you think if one of God’s people is standing next to you, you can lie until they’re gone.

Brian Brown, president of NOM, is on his own god-trip. NOM’s “Summer for Marriage” bus tour (which disgustingly placed photos of African-Americans on the back of the bus,) has been suffering from “Low-T” — low turnout. But more on that in a moment.

Readers of this blog know that when Prop 8 passed in November of 2008, the phrase, “the new civil rights movement” was being heavily used to define the fight for marriage equality. Hence, the name of this blog, which, some of you will remember, was voted on via Twitter just after the day Prop 8 passed.

Brian Brown seems a bit envious, and wants to claim his own civil rights movement. What the right is an expert at doing is accusing others of their own tactics. If they’re lying, they accuse their adversaries of lying. If they’re obstructing, they accuse their enemies of obstructing. It’s an amazing skill that they’ve perfected.

So, what does Brian do?

Well, on May 7, in a NOM fund-raising email, Brian wrote,

“Outside the courtroom of the D.C. Court of Appeals, we pro-marriage forces rallied under the leadership of Bishop Harry Jackson. “This is the new civil rights movement!” I told a crowd of 250 enthusiastically cheering marriage champions!”

Then, just a few weeks ago on NOM’s “Summer for Marriage” bigotry bus tour blog, NOM writes,

“Here in Manchester, noting opposition protesters in the back of the rally holding signs about “hate,” Brian Brown said that we have ALWAYS stood for respect for the dignity of ALL people.  Notes that civil rights activists in the African American community are sick and tired of opposition attempts to hijack the legacy of that movement.”

So, major flip-flop, right, Brian?

But then, today, in St. Paul, Brian reverts to his old ways, and announces to the “crowd,”

“We’ve taken great pains to make clear what were all about. We view ourselves as a new civil rights movement…. committed to something that in the 1960s was key: the right to vote.”

So, Brian, which one is it?

I guess Brian likes to appropriate things, like “movements” and “civil rights,” away from the rightful parties. No one owns the term, “civil rights movement.” But it is an abomination to use it to steal the civil rights of the LGBT community.

(Oh, and that “crowd?” Well, NOM had their highest attendance day yet in St. Paul: 163. Our side: 217.)

Now, for the record, and for anyone who cares about our Founding Fathers and the Constitution, no where, and I mean, NO WHERE, does it say that ANYONE has the right to vote on marriage.

If anything, the Constitution, according to the U.S. Supreme Court, already states that marriage equality is the law of the land.

We’re about to find out if Prop 8, if voting on our right to marry IS constitutional.

Let’s see what Brian says then…

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