NOM Fears, After Same Sex Marriage, “What Next?”

NOM, the National Organization for Marriage, a few weeks ago published a very short, fear-mongering post titled, “After SSM: What Next?” Horrors! What could be next after same-sex marriage? No doubt, the title drove fear and loathing right into the very heart of its “vast” readership.

The entire post was a photo (above) and just one sentence:

“From the State of the LGBT Movement address for 2011 [full text here]: “Truly transformative change, change that shifts the very foundations of our society … this is the change to which we are called.”

(The link again goes to a NOM PDF, a practice I am told violates copyright laws, but I’m not a lawyer so I can’t be sure.)

Can you imagine?

The quote comes from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s (NGLTF) Executive Director, Rea Carey. Sounds ominous, doesn’t it?

Well, unlike NOM, I took the time to ask the good folks over at NGLTF to give us some insight into this scary idea of “truly transformative change, change that shifts the very foundations of our society…”

Direct from NGLTF’s Rea Carey, here’s what “truly transformative change, change that shifts the very foundations of our society…” actually sounds like:

“A transformed society is one in which all people are treated fairly and equally. Society clearly is not there yet, and that is why we continue to advocate for and work toward positive change.”

Anyone shaking in their boots yet?

But let’s be honest here. The post was meant to evoke fear and loathing, and images of polygamy, bestiality, incest, and so on. They don’t have to say it specifically. They know just asking the question is enough for their followers to go there.

The real question is, why do their followers go there so often?

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