No “You Lie” Moment At The State Of The Union? Guess Again!

We all remember Rep. Joe Wilson’s “You lie” outcry to President Obama during a joint session of Congress in late 2009. Many were concerned there might be another at tonight’s State of the Union, given the degree of partisanship we’ve seen recently from both Houses of Congress. And most breathed a sigh of relief after President Obama finished delivering his State of the Union remarks.

Many, but not those following Georgia Republican Congressman Paul Broun, who spent the entire State of the Union “live-tweeting” his impressions to all of his 3204 followers on Twitter. (For non-Twitter folks, 3204 followers is not a lot. I’m lucky to have over 8500, and I’m pretty much nobody.)

At one point during the evening, Rep. Broun had his own “You lie!” moment, tweeting, “Mr. President, you don’t believe in the Constitution. You believe in socialism.”

It doesn’t get much more “You lie!’ than that.

It may not have been aloud, but it was heard by many.

Here are a few more of Rep. Blount’s tweets from tonight’s address:

President Obama is calling for amnesty #SOTU #TCOT

Illegal aliens are criminals. They must go home.

I wonder if those kids can read their diploma. A lot of hs graduates cannot.

From my seat, Obama’s call for more investments sounds like more govt spending #SOTU#TCOT

Obama’s policies kill free-enterprise #SOTU #TCOT

If the govt would get out of the way, we could have innovation and development #SOTU #TCOT

Obama’s policies kill free-enterprise #fb #SOTU #TCOT

Nice job, Congressman.

(h/t Erica Morris)

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