News: Teen Suicide, Pope, FRC, NBC, Justin Aaberg, Sally Kern, Scouts

“One teen a week in Arizona will die by suicide.” 26,000 teens in Arizona attempt suicide each year an that Arizona ranks ninth in the nation for teen suicides.

Catholic League president Bill Donohue calls victims of church sexual abuse “phony victims.”

Two thirds of German Catholics think the Pope is not important.

“It’s Time for the ‘We Need to Protect Marriage‘ Con to Die”

“To avoid religious controversy, chastity will be cited among birth control methods and teachers will have to speak about sex with some caution” in the New York City courses.

NBC News calls the head of a certified hate group a “Christian leader,” and writes an entire article around his opinion of the HPV vaccine. Who is the “Christian leader?” Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council.

Oklahoma lawmaker and über-homophobe Sally Kern is so God-awful that HRC managed to send 200,000 emails of complaint to her Governor, Mary Fallin. What did her Fallin say in response? Nothing.

“A wave of lawsuits have been filed by parents, seeking protection of their children and other students from verbal and physical abuse at the hands of their peers.”

Utah LGBT news site QSaltLake says times are tough and “have found ourselves in more of an ‘almost-empty’ situation. They’re asking for readers to be QVangelists.

The mother of former Anoka-Hennepin, Minnesota student, Justin Aaberg, who successfully succumbed to suicide after being bullied, delivered a petition asking Congress to address anti-gay bullying to none other than Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann — who has the Anoka-Hennepin schools in her district.

The Boy Scouts are facing a $20 million childhood sexual abuse lawsuit died on behalf of four Oregon men. “The latest cases bring to at least 35 the number of individuals who have lodged child sexual abuse claims against the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) in 11 states since 2007.”

Blogger Joe.My.God. named “Most Valuable Local Affairs Blog” by CBS New York. Congrats, Joe! You deserve it!

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