NEWS: Mary Cheney ♡s Mitt Romney, Priest ♡s Child Porn, Santorum ♡s Grindr?

Which is worse? GOProud endorsing Mitt Romney, or Mary Cheney, Dick Cheney’s daughter and a lesbian who just got married, handing over a $2500 check to Mitt Romney, as Michael Petrelis reports. Either is despicable, especially since Romney signed a pledge to ban same-sex marriage via a federal amendment to the constitution.

Some POS (and I don’t mean point-of-service) online magazine that is also sold in American Apparel stores thinks this is an A-OK Question Of The Day:


Their anonymous editor’s email is: editor@vice.com 

While there will still be one anti-gay initiative on the ballot in Washington state in November, at least now there won’t be two:

The citizen initiative that would spell out that marriage is only between a man and a woman won’t qualify for the November ballot. Its sponsor, Stephen Pidgeon of Everett, says Initiative 1192 is more than 140,000 signatures short ahead of Friday’s deadline for turning in petitions to the Office of the Secretary of State in Olympia, and he concedes it won’t happen.

ALEC, the evil, evil, American Legislative Exchange Council, “perhaps best known for drafting model legislation on issues such as tax treatment of corporations, tightening voter identification rules, minimizing environmental protections, and promoting gun rights,” (as Wikipedia notes) is under attack, this time by a “prominent tax attorney” who has filed an IRS complaint accusing ALEC of  “improperly claiming nonprofit status, alleging the group’s role is to benefit businesses, the Republican Party, and legislators, not the public.” Even if ALEC goes away, it’s doubtful anyone would go to jail, and another ALEC would crop up in its place. But it’s a start.

Blogger Jeremy Hooper is all over the National Organization For Marriage’s new Starbucks replacement, Jitters and Bliss Coffee, which is trying to be the coffee supplier to “traditional” marriage advocates the world over. And by all over I mean all over. Until they kick him out again, I suppose…

Via Boing Boing:

The Rev. Dennis Carey, a 65-year-old Catholic priest in Connecticut, was arraigned today on child pornography possession charges. He claims he is receiving help for the “addiction” to illegal pornography that led to his arrest. He is out on a $100K bond, prohibited from computer and internet access, and barred from contact with children under 13 years of age.

New York, State Senator Marty Golden thinks New York’s tax dollars should be spent of finishing school. Marty Golden’s Finishing School, that is. Think Progress notes that Golden “is hosting a taxpayer-funded event called “Posture, Deportment and the Feminine Presence” on July 24. Golden promises to teach Bay Ridge women “the art of feminine presence,” which includes tips on how to “sit, stand and walk like a model” and “walk up and down a stair elegantly.”

Admit it. Did you fall for the “Rick Santorum has Grindr on his iPhone” satire? Of course, it went viral. Seriously. Doesn’t anyone read and think anymore? Any news site that did should toss in their press pass.

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