NEWS: Lesbian Brides, Shia LaBeouf, Maddow, One Million Moms, Maine, Michigan’s Vagina Monologues

It’s not only liberals and progressives and Democrats and lesbians and gays who love Rachel Maddow — apparently, Buzzfeed says, Conservatives love Maddow too. While I’m not sure that’s exactly accurate, given that many of them claim she’s a man — or looks like one, it’s good to know that good journalism trumps partisan politics and homophobia, at least some of the time. Buzzfeed uses a recent appearance by Senator James Inhofe as proof, but neglects to mention how Inhofe lied to Rachel Maddow’s face.

The State of Maine apparently is the most awesome place ever. Consider the results of a new poll: Barack Obama heavily favored over Mitt Romney, 48%-34% with favorable/unfavorable score of 50/39, 49% of Mainers disapprove of their current Governor, Paul Le Page, the man who stripped the Dept. of Labor of its labor mural. By a 29%-25% margin, residents support the Affordable Care Act. But perhaps the best results form the poll? Maine residents, who will vote in November on same-sex marriage favor it 55% to 36%, after NOM got the marriage equality law wiped away in 2009.

Andrew Sullivan explores “the latest Christianist sideshow,” the GOP, where no gays are allowed.

Is The New Yorker, Condé Nast’s iconic 87-year old news weekly, celebrating the one year anniversary of same-sex marriage in New York with a cover featuring lesbian brides? You decide. For more on the New Yorker’s rich history, see their Wikipedia page.

I don’t know about you, but I’m glad the lesbian didn’t do it.

The Wall Street Journal’s most asinine writer calls Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s arrest of a 6-year old girl smuggled into the country illegally a “rescue.”

Apparently, lying is so common in Congress the courts can’t even tell it’s lying when Roger Clemens does it TO Congress.

One Million Moms, fresh off bible camp vacation, has announced their latest campaign. Surprisingly, it’s not an attack on gays.

CNN’s Don Lemon suggests that the Daily Caller’s Neil Munro might not have heckled the President if he weren’t black.

Zinnia Jones examines — and dismantles — the Heritage Foundation’s lie about the anti-gay Regnerus “study”:

The homophobic right-wing seems genuinely taken aback at how poorly received theirprecious Regnerus study has been. Clearly, being widely and loudly called out on shoddy science with a hateful agenda isn’t something they’re used to. And in another decade, these results might have been accepted at face value despite the study’s many flaws, simply because it aligned with the conventional wisdom of the time that gay people must be bad for children, society, and everything. This is no longer the case – these traditional assumptions aren’t assumed anymore, and the anti-gay movement have found themselves out of their element.

Transformer’s star Shia LaBeouf does video in the buff.

Jeremy Hooper exposes Minnesota For Marriage’s board member who claims “accepting homosexuals as ‘normal’ victimizes homosexuals themselves.” Do you victimized yet?

In honor of the Michigan state Rep. who got banned from speaking on the Michigan State House floor for saying the word “vagina,” more than 5,000 people have flooded the Michigan State House steps to hear invited guests — including Eve Ensler – read “The Vagina Monologues.” Image, top, of the 5,000 attendees, by Chris Savage of Eclectablog, who has an exclusive interview with Eve Ensler.

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