News: Kathy Griffin, Adele, Rosie, Oprah, Obama, Delta, Arianna, Maggie

Kathy Griffin gets a letter from an offended Christian.

PayPal is aiding anti-gay hate groups around the world — despite their TOS.

Is Adele joining the long list of James Bond theme singers?

The Cato Institute falsely claims Government Spending Doesn’t Create Jobs, ignoring the fact that over the past few months the greatest job losses have come from government. There had to be government jobs to lost them, right?

Arkansas weatherman Brett Cummins wakes up to find the man who spent the night, dead in a hot tub, with a dog collar around his neck.

Rosie tells Oprah: I’m not so angry anymore.

Edge goes iPad.

Delta gets slammed for union-busting, with help from the GOP.

Barack Obama pushing for David Weprin to win next week in New York City, as Maggie Gallagher‘s NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, hands $50k over to Weprin’s rival.

New Salt Lake City direct action group forms in light of recent hate crimes and violence.

HHS expands hospital visitation rights for LGBT couples.

Aaron Belkin‘s new book on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell gets a plug from Arianna Huffington, his e-publisher.

Pam Spaulding comes out swinging for marriage in North Carolina, and against the GOP anti-gay hate machine.

And from The New Civil Rights Movement:

Fred Karger gives us an exclusive interview.

The State Department Responds to Ugandan “Kill the Gays” Bill.

Anti-gay Minnesota for Marriage thinks people are marrying animals in Europe.

While Ted Olson delivered an excellent performance in yesterday’s Prop 8 trial, Sean Chapin was making a beautiful film outside the court house.

Fox News’ Dr. Keith Ablow is a bigot, and proves it again.

The GOP debate is tonight – are you ready?

Is Rick Perry as anti-gay as this?

Chaz Bono diagnoses what’s wrong with his attackers.

John Boehner is a liar, but now he’s spending you tax dollars to send out his message.


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