New York Same-Sex Marriage: Growing Majority Support, Don’t Want Repeal

A growing majority of New Yorkers support same sex marriage in New York, and an even greater majority don’t want the law repealed. 55% of New York registered voters support same-sex marriage, and almost two-thirds, 63%, do not want the law repealed or overturned. This support does not bode well for the National Organization For Marriage (NOM) anti-marriage equality campaign, “Let the people vote,” which was labeled “deceptive” last month by the conservative Wall Street Journal.

READ: Wall Street Journal Calls NOM Deceptive Again – Here’s Why They’re Right

The findings, released Wednesday night in a new Marist poll, also indicate, among non-registered voters, 58%, even higher, support the same-sex marriage law. Only 37%, about one-third, do not support the law.

“Looking at party, about two-thirds of Democratic voters — 66% — support the law. And while a majority of Republican voters — 52% — oppose the law, 39% support it. Nearly six in ten non-enrolled voters — 58% — applaud the law,” Marist reports, adding, “Many New Yorkers under the age of 45 — 62% — back the legislation while just half of those 45 and older — 50% — say the same.”

“72% of Democratic voters and 66% of non-enrolled voters statewide want the law to remain in effect. Republican voters divide. 48% of Republicans think it should be overturned while 47% believe it should stay in place.”

“Nearly seven in ten suburban residents — 69% — and about two-thirds of those upstate — 66% — don’t want the law overturned. 57% of New York City adults agree.”

“Looking at age, 70% of those younger than 45 want the same-sex marriage law in effect while 59% of those 45 and older say the same.”

“44% of registered voters in New York report they are more likely to vote for a state senator who voted to pass the same-sex marriage law. Three in ten — 30% — are less likely to cast their ballot for such a legislator while nearly one in five — 19% — says it makes no difference to their vote. Seven percent are unsure.”


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