New Poll: Six Out Of Ten Americans Say DOMA is Discrimination (Infographic)

A new poll finds that six out of ten Americans believe DOMA is discrimination and oppose the law that bans the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriage. Sixty-two percent of Americans believe the 1996 law is discriminatory, fifty-nine percent oppose the law, and fifty-two percent want it repealed.

In opposition to commonly-held beliefs, sixty-one percent of Blacks and sixty-two percent of Hispanics oppose DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, along with fifty-seven percent of white Americans.

But in what should come as no surprise — except to Mitt Romney and Bay Buchanan — seventy-eight percent of Americans believe same-sex couples should be able to visit their spouses and children in the hospital.


READ: Romney: Hospital Visitation For Gay Couples Are ‘Benefits’ Not Rights

Additionally, seven out of ten Americans believe same-sex couples deserve to be included in the Family and Medical Leave Act, should receive survivor benefits, be included in military protections and benefits, and be included in general health insurance benefits.

The poll was conducted by the Center for American Progress (CAP) and Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) and published at CAP.

Additionally, Zack Ford at Think Progress adds that “the Respect for Marriage Coalition, found that American voters strongly support marriage equality, with 75 percent responding that the freedom to marry the person you love is a constitutional right. It seems clear that respondents appreciate the value of marriage equality, with 65 percent agreeing that it reflects offering ‘equal human dignity’ to all people. And while 62 percent believe changing the law will have no impact on them, 83 percent believe that change will happen within the next decade. In sum, marriage equality is the right thing to do, poses no threat to society, and is coming soon.”

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