New Poll: Obama Beats Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, Paul By Huge Margin

Despite years of anti-Obama rhetoric, lies, and distortions by the GOP, RNC, and their boss, Rupert Murdoch and his Fox News, Wall Street Journal, News Corp. media machine, President Obama holds a commanding — and in some cases, huge — lead over every GOP presidential candidate in the race.

A new CBS News poll released late Tuesday (image, top,) puts President Obama ahead of both Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul by double digit margins, and ahead of Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum by high single digits.

The new survey shows the president leading Romney by six points, 48 percent to 42 percent, among registered voters. Last month, the two men were tied at 45 percent each.

Mr. Obama’s lead over former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who has surged to a lead in national polls, is eight points: 49 percent to 41 percent.

Romney’s drop in support against the president is attributable to a shift among independents. Last month, independents favored the former Massachusetts governor by eight points over Mr. Obama. In the new survey, Mr. Obama holds the edge, leading Romney among independents by nine points.

The president holds double-digit leads over the other two GOP candidates in the race, Rep. Ron Paul and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Mr. Obama leads Paul 50 percent to 39 percent – an 11 point margin – and he leads Gingrich 54 percent to 36 percent, a difference of 18 points.



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