New Poll: If Election Were Today, Obama Would Beat Palin By 26 Points, More

A just-released Marist Poll reveals good news for Democrats, bad news for the GOP. A hypothetical matchup among registered voters right now between President Obama and Sarah Palin would find Obama beating Palin by 26 points, a gain of four points over last month. The poll also finds Obama would beat Mitt Romney by thirteen points, and Mike Huckabee by twelve points.

Right now, 89% of Democrats, 57% of Independents, but just 16% of Republicans would vote for Obama over Palin. The President would win re-election in every group categorized except Republicans or Conservatives, but including all geographic areas, income levels, education levels, age ranges, races, and genders, with women voting higher for Obama than men.

The poll was conducted January 6 – 10, including the day of and the two days after the tragedy in Tucson.

The poll of registered voters also found only 9% support (not consider themselves, but support) the Tea Party movement, and gives Obama a 53% favorability rating and a 40% unfavorability rating, far better on both aspects than Palin’s, and found 61% of Americans expect the president’s next two years in office will be even better.

When it comes to Congress, the poll finds 71% of the American people think House Republicans should compromise with Obama to get things done. (Sadly, only 36% think they will.) Remember that the next time you hear John Boehner claiming he has a mandate. Less than one in four Americans, just 23%, think the GOP should stand its ground.

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