New Poll Asks “Do you think Rush Limbaugh should or should not be fired?” Answer…

In a new Bloomberg poll just released 53% of voters — not just all Americans, but those who vote — want Rush Limbaugh fired:

Recently, conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh made comments about a university student who testified before the U.S. Senate about access to birth control at religious universities. He used the words “slut” and “prostitute” to describe her. Based solely on these comments, do you think Rush Limbaugh should or should not be fired?

53 Yes, should be fired

42 No, should not be fired

5 Not sure


There has been recent controversy over whether education and health care facilities affiliated with religious organizations, such as the Catholic Church, should provide access to birth control through health insurance plans. Which of the following describes your view on this debate: (Read two options. Rotate.)

33 This is a matter of religious liberty

62 This is a matter of a woman’s health and access to birth control

5 Not sure


Do you believe birth control should or should not be part of the national political debate?

20 Should

77 Should not

3 Not sure


In your mind, do you think a president’s religious beliefs should influence his federal policy decisions all of the time, most of the time, just some of the time, or never?

8 All of the time

6 Most of the time

25 Just some of the time

58 Never

3 Not sure


Gas prices have been rising in recent weeks because of tensions with Iran and concerns that Middle East supplies could be disrupted. Which of the following do you think is more to blame for price hikes: (Read list. Rotate.)

23 The Obama administration’s energy policies

66 The oil companies and Middle East nations who are taking advantage of the situation to make more money

11 Not sure




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