New Judiciary Committee Member Against Gays On Court

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions: “American People Might Feel A Big Concern”


Republican Double Speak is in full force. Yesterday, Jeff Sessions, who just replaced Arlen Specter on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said, “I don’t think a person who acknowledges that they have gay tendencies is disqualified per se for the job.” Now, ignoring the 1950’s “gay tendencies” comment for a moment (I, for one, don’t have gay tendencies – I have a full-force commitment!), did Sessions have a come-to-Jesus moment immediately thereafter? Because later the same day, on FOX, Sessions, when asked about the possibility of a gay Supreme Court Justice, said, “Well, I think that would be a big concern that the American people might feel — might feel uneasy about that. It is a matter for the president to decide.”

Yes, Senator, it is. Though, we know you will do your level-best to get in the way. We’re watching.

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