National Organization For Marriage Becomes The McDonald’s Of International Anti-Gay Hate

NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, just became the McDonald’s of international anti-gay hate. NOM is now going international, and building operations around the world — in Paris, London, Dublin, Edinburgh, Washington, D.C., and of course, Rome!

Jeremy Hooper, editor of Good As You, writes today at the Human Rights Campaign’s “NOM Exposed” website, and posts the email, above, and below, from NOM in France.

Hooper notes “this one looks near-identical to NOM’s standard email template.”

Hooper continues:

Same logo (though in gold), same smiling pic of the org. president, same placement of social media links—same everything. That’s because both are coming from the one, central, Catholic-driven hub that unites these two fights: Opus Fidelis. If you need further proof of this connection to NOM’s social media hub, then click the following Opus Fidelis link, which will take you to the above email: http://email.opusfidelis.com/t/j-3FA139188C9F7205.

But even more interesting than NOM’s obvious connection to this one fight is the line at the bottom of this e-blast which notes that this French version of NOM is actually “a charter member of the International Organization for Marriage.” This is news! This seems to be an announcement of a larger umbrella organization that NOM has not yet unveiled—one that will try to export NOM’s American divisiveness to whatever nation might have them. France seems to be a step in a sweeping plan.

This of course should come as no surprise, for several reasons. First, NOM president Brian Brown and NOM are in it for the cash. Everything they do, the 100+ fundraising emails they blast out annually, the programs they push, like “Dump Starbucks” — which is just a fundraising and email-harvesting PR stunt — and Brown’s estimated $500,000 annual compensation, prove the National Organization For Marriage is anti-gay for pay.

Second, we know from the secret, previously-sealed court documents that HRC published one year ago, NOM has a Board of Directors-approved mandate to make marriage “a national (and ultimately international) effort.” And as we wrote yesterday in, “Has NOM’s Work Been Fomenting Anti-Gay Violence In France Over Marriage?,” NOM president Brian Brown has been spending time in France.

For months Brown and his cohorts have been working in front of and behind the cameras to help create an environment hostile to same-sex marriage in France.

“In the United States, we’ve demonstrated a key fact: with adequate resources, we can win the battle for hearts and minds on the marriage issue. We can use what we’ve learned about winning this battle to protect marriage internationally as well,” NOM’s secret court documents revealed just one year ago.

This is the result.

NOM knows they are facing a losing battle, especially in the U.S., where there funds and supporters are drying up.

So, why not go overseas, where they’ve yet to be exposed?

Head over to NOM Exposed for more of Hooper’s findings on this.

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