National LGBT Groups Ask Cardinal Dolan To Defund NOM

HRC Freedom to Marry Letter to Cardinal Dolan


Two of the top LGBT organizations have sent a letter to Cardinal Timothy Dolan, head of the Roman Catholic Church in America, asking Dolan and his bishops to “stop collaborating with” and to defund NOM, the National Organization For Marriage.

Citing the previously sealed court documents uncovered by the Human Rights Campaign, HRC and Freedom To Marry jointly sent Cardinal Dolan, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), a letter “to ask that you and affiliated organizations such as the Knights of Columbus end your financial support and collaboration with the fringe group known as the National Organization for Marriage or NOM.” The letter added that were Dolan to agree, he “would send a resounding message that race-baiting, ethnic exploitation, division, and anti-gay campaigns have no place in the Church, or in America.”

WATCH: NAACP’s Julian Bond Attacks NOM, Tells AC360 Gay Rights Are Civil Rights

Noting that it “is believed the Catholic Church hierarchy has poured millions of dollars into NOM,” and the “Knights of Columbus alone have funneled over one million dollars to NOM,” Both HRC president Joe Solmonese and Freedom To Marry founder and president Evan Wolfson released a statement:

“We are asking the Catholic Bishops to spread the message that all people are loved,” said Joe Solmonese.  “Cardinal Dolan has the opportunity to denounce race-baiting and attempts at ethnic division, and in doing so would be representing the views of fair-minded lay Catholics across the country, who overwhelmingly support LGBT equality.”

“The Catholic Church hierarchy is way out of step with the majority of Catholics, who, like the majority of Americans, support the freedom to marry for same-sex couples,” said Evan Wolfson, founder and President of Freedom to Marry.  “We call on the Bishops to stop funneling funds through NOM and to repent and renounce the toxic tactics they have supported in anti-gay campaigns that pit Americans against Americans, minorities against minorities, and family members against family members.”

Civil rights leaders, including the NAACP, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and the National Council of La Raza, have publicly condemned NOM in the recent weeks.  NOM’s divisive and anti-LGBT strategies come at a time when public support for civil marriage for LGBT people is on the rise, particularly among Catholics.  The Public Religion Research Institute recently confirmed that 71 percent of American Catholics support civil marriage for same-sex couples.

You can read the entire letter above. Don’t hold your breath for a response from Cardinal Dolan.

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