Narcissistic Ex-Gawker Writer: ‘I Don’t Regret Outing Anderson Cooper’

Narcissistic former Gawker writer Brian Moylan today tried to take some credit — at least partial credit — for outing Anderson Cooper and for Anderson Cooper telling Andrew Sullivan that he is gay. Yes, that Brian Moylan, the same Brian Moylan whom caused a brouhaha last December by claiming that Anderson Cooper was planning to use sweeps week in February to boost his ratings and come out. And the same Brian Moylan who penned, “The Secrets Gay Men Don’t Want Straight People to Know,” an offensive screed that takes gay rights and gay men back a half-century.

Today, all the way across the Pond, Moylan published, “I don’t regret outing Anderson Cooper,” in which he says, “today shouldn’t be about finger pointing, credit claiming, or rehearsing the same old Anderson arguments we’ve been having for years,” while writing via Twitter, “Congrats to @andersoncooper for finally coming out. I hope I contributed in some small way. And he had to do it while I’m on vacation!!

An excerpt from Moylan’s toe-dangling into UK journalism:

Though Cooper’s declaration of gayness may come as a revelation to some, it won’t be much of a surprise to followers of celebrity gossip websites and gay magazines, which have written about Cooper’s sexuality for some time. As a staff writer at Gawker, I was one of those who wrote most often about the subject. I once published a post titled Anderson Cooper Is a Giant Homosexual and Everyone Knows It. Even this was two years after Out magazine put Cooper on the cover of its “glass closet” issue and five years after Village Voice legend Michael Musto first published the fact of his homosexuality. My point was that Anderson Cooper’s sexual orientation was something that many journalists already knew, and refused to report.

Fortunately, our friends in England are far less tolerant of asinine narcissists than America is.

A few excerpts from the comments section by (primarily) UK-based readers of Moylan’s self-congratulatory lap around the park at The Guardian:

  • What the hell has his private life got to do with you?
  • Arrogant Sod (and I cleaned that up considerably)
  • Quite simply, you’re a mean spirited git.
  • dreadful article from start to finish.
  • So in fact, you didn’t out him at all.
    But you are happy to claim some sort of credit now and opportunistically exploit his sexuality.
  • Brian Moylan, I’ve never heard of you before, but from reading this you appear to be nothing more than a bully.
  • This confirms to me that Gawker is the cesspool of the Internet.
  • Brian: it’s not about you, love.
  • Perhaps Anderson Cooper can speak to the issue of bullying adults, just as we know school students are bullied.
  • In short, get a life, Moylan!
  • Apparently publishing information on people’s personal lives is good. Perhaps those In NYC opposed to this sort of thing might find the author and report on his every action.
  • Integrity has won out as you say, but it lies squarely in Anderson Cooper’s court. Sadly, there is little evidence of it in your tacky journalism.
  • I’ll confess I’ve never heard of you before five minutes ago, but this very much suggests that you are little more than a tawdry, exploitative gossip. You didn’t talk about Cooper’s sexuality because of any great ideals, but because you knew an open secret and thought could make a few bucks from it. Whoopde doo for you.
  • I also don’t know who Brian Moylan is, and it seems that’s probably a good thing.
  • Nauseating article trying to justify a despicable ‘campaign’ by an odious little man. I hope you’re not invited to write for this newspaper again, Brian Moylan.
  • Shame on you as a human being…The Guardian should never have been associated with this level of gutter thinking.
  • This Brian Moylan chap seems to a heinous, attention-seeking self-aggrandizer.
  • Oh do grow the fuck up.


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