MSNBC’s Pat Buchanan: Gay Marriage “Absurd,” DADT Repeal Advocates “Detested”

MSNBC’s long-time political analyst, Pat Buchanan, has released his book, titled, “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?,” and the contents are bone-chilling. While America is all-too-familiar with Buchanan’s deep-seated Christo-centric racism, the depths of his hatred of homosexuality was previously unknown to most.

In the audio clip below, courtesy of Salon, Buchanan calls same-sex marriage equality “absurd,” suggests it is unconstitutional, claims gay marriage is being “imposed dictatorially,” and — while this is subject to interpretation, given his unclear language — Buchanan seems to suggest that the Obama Administration and his military leaders are now “deeply-resented and widely detested” because of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT).

Surely this is enough to get Buchanan, a former Republican presidential candidate, fired?

Remember, the is Pat Buchanan, the man who said in 2008,

“America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known.”

Yes, you read that right. No, there’s no room for interpretation.

Here’s the transcript we created from the audio:

In the name of equality, the Supreme Court has declared the practice of homosexuality to be a constitutional right. Vaughn Walker, a gay federal judge in San Francisco, has ruled that same-sex marriage is guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. Can anyone believe this absurd notion of equality was intended by or written into the constitution by the Congress that produced the 14th Amendment? Although gay marriage has been rejected in 31 states in referenda, judges continue to declare that such unions be treated as marriages. An idea of equality rejected democratically by voters is being imposed dictatorially. In December 2010, a repudiated liberal Congress imposed its San Francisco values on the Armed Forces, by ordering homosexuals admitted to all branches of the service. Indoctrination of recruits, soldiers, and officers into an acceptance of the gay lifestyle will transfer authority over the military, the most respected institution in America, to agents of a deeply-resented and widely detested managerial state.

At what point does America get serious about hate speech? Freedom of speech has been abused long enough. If strict First Amendment advocates won’t budge, let’s make this an issue of capitalism. When will the free market refuse to financially support people who spew hate speech, and when will the main stream media refuse to give them a platform, and pay them for their “opinions?”

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