Mormon Glenn Beck Tells Nancy Pelosi She’s Not A Real Catholic And Should Quit

Glenn Beck is telling House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Vice President Joe Biden they are not real Catholics and should quit the Catholic Church. Beck, himself a convert to the Mormon faith — which many Catholics and Christians do now accept as being a part of the Catholic faith — made the comments to a reported 143,000 Catholics last week via a conference call sponsored by CatholicVote.org.

“Don’t tolerate someone who is not teaching Catholic doctrine. Go to your Bishop, go to your Cardinal, go to whoever will listen to you, but don’t tolerate it!,” Beck told listeners, as Right Wing Watch, which has the audio, reported:

“I don’t understand how, for instance, Nancy Pelosi can say she’s a Catholic or Joe Biden can say he’s a Catholic but he stands against what the Pope is saying. I’ve got news for you, if the Pope is telling you this is the doctrine of the church; if you disagree with it, go find another one and be who you really are!”

“During the discussion, Beck discussed everything from personal responsibility at the polls and social justice to the value of human life,” Billy Hallowell at the Glenn Beck-owned The Blaze “news” website wrote:

Beck began with the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Catholicism that has developed of late, while highlighting the fact that these are both issues he’s warned about in the past. He then moved on to one of the central tenets of the Catholic faith that has been manipulated by the left — social justice.

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