More NOM Violent Rhetoric: Smackdown, Demolish, Full Frontal Assault, Fight Harder

NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is engaging in the final frontier of public discourse — violent rhetoric — immediately following their denouncement of violence itself. NOM, the first to claim — falsely — that the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s use of the term “hate group” was responsible for the FRC gunman’s shooting of a security guard in the arm, on Friday sent one of its excruciatingly frequent fundraising emails to supporters, using violent rhetoric to describe members of the LGBT community. NOM President president Brian Brown stated, “We’re not going to allow gay activists to get away with attempted murder,” and added, “we must also fight back against the violent and hateful tactics of intimidation being pursued every day by gay ‘marriage’ thugs and activists.”

And then today, in an embarrassingly juvenile exploration of the Dan Savage-Brian Brown dinner table marriage debate, NOM’s National Political Director, the infamous Frank Schubert, who masterminded Prop 8 and has made a fortune running an anti-gay hate machine, continued NOM’s violent rhetoric.

READ: NOM: We Won’t Let ‘Gay Marriage Thugs And Activists…Get Away With Murder’

Schubert, in what could be a title about a professional boxing match, penned, “Smackdown In Seattle,” writing, “Brian Brown absolutely put a smackdown on Dan Savage the other day in their grand debate about marriage in Seattle, Washington.”

To understand how badly Brian demolished Savage, consider this: Savage is complaining about the subject chosen for the debate (which his hand-picked moderator selected); he’s complaining about the location (his own dining room table, also his choice); The New York Times reporter who moderated decided to write a kitschy odd-ball article about the encounter (including how he was drunk), rather than a substantive review of the debate, and Savage has buried the video of the debate down near the bottom of his own website.

In other words, Brian so demolished Dan Savage that gay activists and the media now want to bury it.

Yet Brian not only accepted, he embraced the opportunity… and he went on to demolish Savage!

As a political consultant, I’ve seen my share of debates. I could tell immediately that Savage was not up to the challenge. He appeared nervous and stilted, and he had pages of notes in front of him. No doubt he’d been very heavily coached. He managed to avoid the use of the f*bomb entirely, but was not able to avoid the occasional reference to bull excrement. Brian on the other hand was comfortable, confident in his subject matter, laughed easily, and had no notes.

Note how conservative continue to demonize something as simple as scholarly preparation and science.

As the campaign manager for Prop 8, I was on the list of potential witnesses that Ted Olsen and David Boies were to call at the trial. Regrettably, they didn’t have the guts to put me on the stand where I could deliver a reasoned, passionate defense of the institution of marriage.

Zack Ford at Think Progress offered an extensive analysis of NOM President Brian Brown’s violent rhetoric in NOM’s fundraising email:

In a new fundraising email sent out Friday, Brian Brown repeatedly implied that LGBT people are violent and antagonistic, employing the same kind of “incendiary” rhetoric NOM and others have accused the Southern Poverty Law Center of for its “hate group” designations. Here are several examples of what NOM is “fighting back” against:

ACTION NEEDED: Chick-fil-A Under Attack!

You see, wealthy homosexual activists, such as the so-called Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, are not merely threatening, bullying, and attempting to destroy a great American business—they are declaring war onanyone who disagrees with their radical agenda.

And why? To bully and intimidate the media and enough politicians and activist judges to force homosexual marriage as the law of the land—thereby destroyingthe time-tested, God ordained, traditional institution of marriage.

While others have backed down to gay “marriage” thugs and bullies, NOM isn’t afraid of a fight. But we can’t sustain this battle unless our supporters step up their urgently needed contributions right now.

Remember: the only way to stop a bully is to fight back and fight harder. And if you make an immediate contribution, NOM will continue to expose and defeat the gay activist bullies who want to silence Christians and impose homosexual “marriage” on all of us.

PS — The homosexual lobby’s assault on Chick-fil-A is a full-frontal assault on all of us who believe in the historic definition of marriage as one man and one woman. And the only way to stop a bully is to fight back and fight harder.

Under attack. Threatening. Bullying. Assault. Attempting to destroy. Declaring war on. Bully and intimidate. Thugs and bullies. Battle. Full-frontal assault. This is how opponents of equality are characterizing the LGBT community.

Yes, NOM put forth the false concept that being labeled a hate group was responsible for the FRC shooting — ignoring the fact that there are over 1100 hate groups listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s site that have not been the targets of violence — and then creates an environment of violent rhetoric.

READ: NOM To The Faithful: Give Us Money Or ‘Gay Marriage Will Be Imposed Across America’

Many believe, as do I, that NOM is enjoying its last days as an anti-gay organization. Soon, when the Southern Poverty Law Center offers its annual update to its list of active anti-gay hate groups, NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, will be on it.

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