Morally Straight? Hate Group Publishes Anti-Gay Ad Urging Boy Scouts To Vote Against Equality

The Family Research Council today published in the Dallas Morning News the above ad urging the Boy Scouts of America‘s 1400 voting members to deny the right of gay children and teens to join the Scouts. The National Council votes today — stay tuned for the results.

LOOK: Breaking: Boy Scouts President, Hours Before Vote Says ‘Let In Gay Boys’

The ad makes several false assumptions, including that if the BSA accept gay scouts, they will lose 200,000 to 400,000 youth. This is the same type of claim they use when they say same-sex marriage laws forced Catholic Charities to get close down. It did not, and Catholic Charities could have stayed in business and not accept government funds without making change, or made changes of acceptance. They chose their own future.

LOOK: Take A Look At Who’s Supporting The Boy Scout Ban On Gay People

The FRC, by the way, is a Southern Poverty Law Center-certified anti-gay hate group. In an embarrassing move, the radical religious right are trying to sway the BSA’s National Council members by tweeting the Hashtag #MorallyStraight, mistaking a line from the Boy Scout oath:

Scout Oath (or Promise)
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.

In no place in the Scout’s 103-year history has the term “morally straight” ever meant “not gay,” but religious zealots like the Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber “think” it does:


Jeremy Hooper notes:

The Family Research Council, an organization whose leaders have supported criminal sanctions for gay people, claimed“it’s a fact” that homosexuality leads to “eternal damnation,” and said gays are “pawns in the hands of their malevolent master” the Devil (to name just a few FRC slights), is running a new ad in this morning’s Dallas Morning News telling the Boys Scouts of America why they should support FRC’s radical agenda rather than the peaceful inclusion of gay minors.



Dr. Phil Announces Support For Allowing Gays Into The Boy Scouts

Boy Scouts Of America Employee: I’m Gay, And I Can’t Live A Lie Any Longer

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