Monday’s Top 5 Reasons Why I’m Voting, And Voting Democratic

This is the first part in our week-long series, “Top 5 Reasons Why I’m Voting, And Voting Democratic.” Each day this week, we’ll bring you five more “top 5” reasons to vote, and to vote Democratic. That’s twenty-five reasons. Can anyone come up with twenty-five reasons to vote GOP?…

Want yours included? Add them to the comments below, email me, or contact me via Twitter!

I’ve been giving this a great deal of thought for some time. And I’ll be honest: it feels like the Democrats haven’t done an especially awesome job the past few years. But in our political system, if you want change, you have to work hard for it, and you have to support those who not only are making it happen, but will be able to make it happen in the future. In short, you have to vote Democratic. If you’re LGBTQ, I see absolutely no other logical reason.

And it’s kind of like your cell phone bill — you pay in advance. And the cost for us all? A vote.

This isn’t about supporting a third party. While a majority of Americans actually might want a third party, we don’t have a viable one right now. Now is the time to be pragmatic. Remember, I’m an idealist, and even I’m saying, it’s time to be pragmatic!

So, here’s today‘s list of top five reasons why I’m voting next Tuesday, and voting Democratic:

5. Everyone does better financially under the Democrats. Here’s the proof:

4. A Democrat who hasn’t worked hard enough for the LGBTQ vote is still far more likely to support us in the future than any Republican. Republicans vote as a caucus, almost all the time. A vote for any GOP candidate is a vote to take away our future.

3. Do you trust the party of Wall Street bankers, the party of health insurance companies, the party of not just “no,” but the party of “hell no!” to vote in your favor? Even if you’re not a single-issue voter (most people aren’t,) the GOP will increase income disparity, reduce all civil rights, and either spend us into oblivion, or cut the budget into oblivion. No matter what, we lose.

2. The GOP is the party of ignorance, willful ignorance, and learned ignorance. Do you want America to continue our decline in the world? So-called “American exceptionalism” is gone, because of the GOP.

1. There is a difference between every candidate, every seat, every race. If you’re mad at Obama for dragging his feet on LGBT issues, fine. So am I. If you’re mad at Obama, don’t vote for him next week. But not voting for your local Democratic candidate, or your Democratic Representative or Democratic Senator, because you’re mad at Obama, makes no sense. You’re not sending Obama any message by not voting, or by not voting Democratic. You want to send the President a message? Do it – here. Or via Twitter.

The icon at the top is courtesy of the fine folks at progressivevictory.com.

Thanks to all my fellow Twitterers who shared their thoughts, including @eclisham, @Masqueradehfx, @Charmed86, @WR_, @JustMarriedUs, and many more! Did I miss your name? Let me know and I’ll add you tomorrow!

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