Missing Inaction: AZ Gov. Jan Brewer Is Mysteriously Nowhere To Be Found

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Arizona’s Republican Governor Jan Brewer is missing in action, and reportedly has even “skipped an event to certify election ballots,” according to the AP:

Gov. Jan Brewer has taken a nearly week-long out-of-state work trip that was shrouded in secrecy Monday as she skipped an event to certify election ballots and her spokesman refused to disclose her location.

Brewer spokesman Matthew Benson said in a brief email to The Associated Press that Brewer was unavailable to participate in the general election canvass Monday morning because she was out of the state on official business.

What’s crucial to remember is that Governors are also the Commanders In Chief of their state’s National Guard, and their whereabouts are critical in cases of state of national emergency.

Think what would have happened had New Jersey Governor Chris Christie been MIA during Hurricane Sandy.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg took a great deal of heat two years ago during a huge snowstorm. Rumor had it he was in the Bahamas.

Talking Points Memo editor in chief Josh Marshall ponders that the “last time a sitting Governor of a state left on an unexplained vacation and staffers refused to disclose where they were or when they’d return, things ended up getting pretty weird,” referring of course to former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford.



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