Minister: Jesus Predicted People Would Vote For Gay Marriage As A Sign Of End Times

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Ordained Pentecostal Minister Gordon Klingenschmitt today told David Pakman that Jesus predicted man would vote for same-sex marriage as a sign of the end times, because “broad is the road that leads to destruction.” Klingenschmitt, a former Navy Chaplain who now makes his living writing books like The Demons of Barack H. Obama: How the Gift of Discerning of Spirits Reveals Unseen Forces Influencing American Politics, tells Pakman that voting for same-sex marriage equality is akin to voting to crucify Jesus, or to become infected with HIV/AIDS.

“I think this confirms something that Jesus said in Matthew 7, that ‘broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter into it, but narrow is the road that leads to eternal life and only a few find it.’ So I wouldn’t be surprised if most people in America voted against God and against God’s values if that wasn’t a confirmation of something that Jesus predicted would come in the end times,” Klingenschmitt says.

“There would be a massive rebellion against God, that people would turn to Satan, that people would have all kinds of sin and embrace sin as the law of the land. I’m not surprised that this is happening eventually, I’m just saddened that it’s happening so soon to America.”

Pakman, host of The David Pakman Show, is a a progressive journalist who has interviewed Klingenschmitt before.

He asks Klingenschmitt, “are we looking here at popular votes for gay marriage leading to the destruction of the planet?”

Klingenschmitt laughs, says, “well, I didn’t say that,” but then goes back to Scripture as his answer:

“It does say in Romans 1:32 ‘knowing the judgment of God, that those who commit such things — homosexual acts for example —  are not only worthy of death, not only for those who do them, but for those who have pleasure in those who do them.’ So not only does the Bible say that homosexuality is a sin that will lead to the destruction of those who partake in it, it ultimately also condemns the people who lend their voice of approval to that kind of sinful lifestyle.”

Klingenschmitt, who in July told Pakman he “exorcised” the “sin” of homosexuality from many gay and lesbian service members while in the Navy, today tells Pakman that God told man to ignore everything in the Old Testament — except for four things, including drinking blood and the gay stuff.

“All the Old Testament rules do not apply to New Testament Christians, except for four rules.” Klingenschmitt had a Rick perry moment and could name only three of the four, so I’ll assume the fourth was the Department of Energy.

Pakman rightly notes God “very conveniently” kept in the anti-gay stuff.

In February, when a federal court determined that California’s Prop 8 is unconstitutional, Klingenschmitt said:

The liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals announced today that the Founding Fathers wrote homosexual ‘marriage’ rights into the U.S. Constitution, and overturned California’s Proposition 8 traditional marriage law, which had twice been passed by voters. The Founding Fathers are turning over in their graves, since all of them believed sodomy was a crime, and certainly not a Constitutional right.”





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