Miles McPherson, Tony Perkins and Ron Prentice Urge You To Be A Bigot

Central Prop 8 Supporters Speak On Gay Marriage

In today’s Prop 8 federal court case, the Anti-Prop 8 side showed this video that played in California before the Prop 8 vote in November 2008, to demonstrate how the right has demonized and negatively portrayed the LGBTQ community. It features Miles McPherson (San Diego’s The Rock Church,) Tony Perkins (Family Research Council,) and Ron Prentice (California Family Council, and ProtectMarriage.com, the committee behind Prop 8.)

Just to give some more background, McPherson has said,

“God’s Word tells us differently and He provides us of the evidence that homosexuality is not natural or normal. There are physiological repercussions from homosexual behavior; male homosexuals are 430 times more likely to contract HIV than a heterosexual, while heterosexuals have a 1-in-750,000 chance of contracting the virus responsible for HIV, a male homosexual has a 1-in-165 chance of getting HIV. A 20 year old gay male has a 30% chance of either dying or contracting AIDS before the age of 30. They are also 23 times more likely to get other sexually transmitted diseases than a heterosexual.

“There are also moral repercussions stemming from homosexual behavior as evidenced by the fact that one third of all sexual crimes against children are committed by homosexuals even though they are representative of only one percent of the population. Pedophilia has even been called central to the gay lifestyle.”

Truly lies.

Currently, Tony Perkins’ website features an anti-ENDA post entitled, “Stop Obama’s Crossdresser Protection Bill,” which proudly states,

“Gender identity disorder” is a recognized mental illness that should be treated-not affirmed and protected.


“Don’t let Congress and President Obama force American employers to hire homosexuals, transsexuals, and cross-dressers.”


And Prentice. Well, read for yourself: “Ron Prentice Gets Rich Fighting Gay Marriage.”

Oh yea. Here’s the video. Can someone tell me, is that Depeche Mode in the background? Sounds a bit like it to me.

(Hat tip for the video to @JaneWishon, a true hero.)

Editorial note: In the original version of this post, the first sentence read:
“In today’s Prop 8 federal court case, the Pro-Prop 8 side showed this video, that played in California before the Prop 8 vote in November 2008.”
That was based on incorrect information.

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