Michelle Malkin Starts The Week Off “Right”

As I promised last week, I am keeping my eye on Michelle Malkin and her “ugly, hateful, uninformed, senseless attacks on the gay community.” Well, Mrs. Malkin started the week off with the continuation of her anti-gay attacks (what are “tolerance bullies”, anyway?) by writing about a story she’s played to death. But turns out Michelle has some of her facts wrong. I know, big surprise, right? Michelle has been writing about a woman who was, according to Malkin, “quitting her job over her support of Prop. 8.” Well, turns out the woman is the daughter of the restaurant’s owner, and she has taken a voluntary leave of absence. Bit of a difference between quitting and taking an LOA.

Now, I happen to agree with Steve Lopez, the author of the piece in the LA Times that Malkin points to. These folks who are boycotting businesses because someone who works for the business financially supported Prop 8 are just wrong. Unless they are campaigning at work, everyone has the right to vote their conscience and to donate to a cause of their choice without being harassed at their job. So, stop focusing your anger on the wrong targets, folks. It helps no one, least of all the gay community.

And Mrs. Malkin, if you’re going to persecute gays, at least try to get your facts straight.

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