Michelle Malkin Needs To Go To School

Junior Gay Marriage Lobbyists?

Long-time readers of this blog know I cut my teeth, so to speak, reading Michelle Malkin’s every word, and challenging her on her hate-mongering lies about gays. She’s been pretty quiet about the LGBTQ community, since her obsession with the Tea Party “Movement.” But I still check in every so often.

As I promised her,

“…until you stop your ugly, hateful, uninformed, senseless attacks on the gay community, I promise you, we’ll be alert and vigilant and call you on every one of your ugly lies. We’re here, Michelle, and we’re watching your words.”

Now, as you know, the “Glenn Beck 9/12 Project,” Saturday’s march on Washington by a bunch of ignorant, hateful, “patriots,” netted about 70,000 folks. Not a bad number. But Michelle Malkin claimed it was 2,000,000. FiveThirtyEight clarifies who’s to blame for the inflated numbers, and says,

“Malkin herself did not lie; she merely repeated a lie. It does not particularly call into question her character. It does, however, call into question her judgment.

Here’s another reason to call into question Malkin’s judgment. And reasoning. This statement she wrote last week, about the President’s address to school children:

“It’s the activist tradition of government schools using students as junior lobbyists to pressure legislators for higher education spending, pro-illegal immigration protests, gay marriage, environmental propaganda, and anti-war causes.”

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve always been a bit of an activist. When I was a school kid, I wrote my Congressmen and asked them to protect dolphins from tuna farmer’s nets. But being ten at the time, I doubt I had much impact.

To think that Congress is going to be attacked by a two-million child army demanding repeal of DOMA, and legalization of same-sex marriage is ludicrous. To think Congress would listen is hysterical.

Michelle, you need to learn to count. 70,000 is not 2,000,000. And school-age kids can’t vote.

(image: patersor)

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