Michelle Malkin: ‘I Despaired’ When I Heard Chick-Fil-A Had Caved

Michelle Malkin, who thinks anyone she doesn’t like is part of a “mob,” told readers last week that she “despaired” when she heard Chick-Fil-A was no longer going to support anti-gay hate groups. Yes, this delightful mother and Fox News pundit — who strangely has been posting to Twitter photos of children as young as nine years old shooting guns and rifles — apparently wept when the news broke that a $4 billion corporation was no longer going to spend millions on groups that tell lies about gay people, that call homosexuality a sin, an that claim you can “pray away the gay.”

What’s a mom to do?

“When I first saw reports on Twitter that Chick-fil-A had caved to the tolerance mob, I despaired,” Malkin wrote. “Corporation after corporation has given in to the free speech-squelching agitators on the Left who demand political conformity.”

Catch that? The “tolerance mob.” God forbid conservatives show any tolerance. My way or the highway!

So, I wondered, what other mobs is Malkin afraid of?

According to Malkin, there’s a “Section 8 housing mob in Atlanta,” there’s “the Muslim mob,” there are “bloodthirsty mobs masquerading as aggrieved peaceful protesters seeking ‘sensitivity’,” and there’s this lovely commentary, also about Chick-Fil-A:

Remember: These were the same tactics the left-wing mob used in California to intimidate supporters of the Proposition 8 traditional marriage initiative. Individual donors were put on an “Anti-Gay Black List.” Businesses who contributed money to the Prop. 8 campaign were besieged by fist-wielding protesters. The artistic director of the California Musical Theatre was forced to resign over his $1,000 donation.

Message: Associate with the wrong political cause and you will pay. So much for national “civility.”

There’s “LEFT-WING MOB HATE,” the “anti-Prop. 8 mob,” and “The insane rage of the same-sex marriage mob“:

In fact, there’s only one angry mob gripped by “insane rage” in the wake of campaign 2008: The mob of left-wing, same-sex marriage activists incensed at their defeat in California.

Then there’s “the solidarity mob” and “the civility mob,” and “the prog mob” and “anti-Walker protest mobsters.”

Let’s not forget the “Change.org mob,” and “progressive mob” and the “anti-ALEC mob partner Common Cause.”

Then there’s this: “Bigoted anti-bigots: How the gay-marriage mob slimed Manny Pacquiao


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