Maggie Gallagher Wants Your Money Because “Judge Walker will overrule Prop 8”

Maggie Gallagher, who recently elevated herself to the board of the National Organization for Marriage, is a shameless, money-hungry bigot. On Tuesday, I wrote a piece titled, “If Prop 8 Loses, Maggie Wins,” in which I said, “Groups like NOM will make a fortune taking this to the Supreme Court.” Wednesday, during the closing arguments of Perry v. Schwarzenegger, the Prop 8 trial, I said via Twitter, “Maggie is licking her chops. She knows it looks bad for #Prop8, so she’ll make even more money via her fear spam!

Sure enough! Here it is Thursday. The closing arguments aren’t even 24 hours old, and Maggie (really, Margaret Gallagher Srivastav, but somehow, her husband, or her married name, never seem to be part of the picture…) that shameless gay-hating, money-grubbing, bare-foot CEO, has posted a blog piece titled, “Support the Prop 8 Legal Defense!” Strange. The case is over. Closing arguments were yesterday! Why does Maggie Gallagher need even more money?

From the NOM blog:

As Maggie told the press after leaving the courtroom yesterday afternoon:

Chuck Cooper is a heckuva lawyer. At stake in this case is the future of marriage in all 50 states, and he’s right that this attempt to shut down the debate by constitutionalizing gay marriage will backfire. Americans have a right to vote for marriage. Ted Olson doesn’t seem to understand the argument,  and judging from today’s exchanges, neither does Judge Walker. I expect Judge Walker will overrule Prop 8.  But millions of Americans do understand why marriage is the union of husband and wife and I believe the majority of the Supreme Court will as well.

We must be there every step of the way. Will you stand with us today? Over the next 48 hours, we have set a goal to raise $50,000 for the defense of Prop 8.

Let me repeat what Maggie said:

I expect Judge Walker will overrule Prop 8.”

Of course you do, Maggie. If he doesn’t, you can’t make any more money off the greatest bankroll machine you’ve ever known!

The piece goes on to say, “Our side doesn’t have a handful of Hollywood liberals and gay billionaires to fund our efforts – this is about all of us coming together to do what we can.”

Nasty, nasty stuff Maggie.

Shame on you!

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