Maggie Gallagher: Same-Sex Marriage Will Lead To “Fundamental Redefinition” Of Religious Liberties

I love Maggie Gallagher’s candor and blatant disregard for not only political-correctness (fine, who cares?) but for the truth. Because it makes my job so much easier to catch her lies.

Listening to Maggie Gallagher is like listening to a Klan member in the 1950s. There’s no editing. There are just her true thoughts. Maggie doesn’t bother to hide her bigotry because she truly thinks she is not a bigot.

Watch and listen to this video of Maggie speaking at her “Summer For Marriage” bigotry bus tour in Columbus, Ohio last week.

Listen to some of her preposterous statements:

“It is not discrimination to treat different things differently.”

“[Same-sex marriage] is going to lead to a fundamental redefinition — not only of marriage but of religious liberty and citizenship.”

“A federal judge in California is threatening and I believe probably will overturn the right of the people of California to vote for marriage in Prop 8.”

Let’s take up that last one. Judge Vaughn Walker, whom Gallagher has demonized because he is gay, has NEVER threatened to overturn Prop 8. Prove it, Maggie. Show me the quote, Maggie!

Maggie Gallagher lies, uses fear, hatred, and, (yes, Maggie,) bigotry, to further her cause and fatten her wallet.

(It’s amazing that Maggie must take in so much money that she has extra to spend on a Minnesota gubernatorial race ad… Where does all that cash come from, Maggie? Oh, right, you don’t think you should have to tell folks. We’ll see what those “activist judges” have to say about that…)

But at the end of the day, Maggie Gallagher and her ilk will be on the losing side of history. Your day, Maggie, has come and gone and you are finished. It’s only a matter of time.

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