Maggie Gallagher’s NOM Thinks Your Straight Marriage Is All About Sex?

Maggie Gallagher’s NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, just posted this video and writes,

While Denny Smith, Executive Director of Winning Marriage Equality, lists plenty of nice things that happen to be part of marriage (and other deep friendships as well), he is passionately convinced that “marriage is not about sex … it’s not about sex”:

Marriage isn’t about sex at all? We wonder what married people would think about that claim.

Denny’s claim that marriage isn’t about sex proves the point our President Brian Brown made in this week’s Marriage News:

“Gay marriage is a radical proposal because it cuts marriage off at the root, separating it from its roots in human nature.”

Oh good Lord!

May I remind you that homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality? It has been with us since the dawn of time, and there are hundreds of species that prove it, not to mention hundreds of millions of people who do.

Marriage is not about sex, or procreation, per se. Denny Smith is absolutely right.

Frankly, I think everyone has the right to make their marriage about whatever the hell they want it to be about.

Glad to see Maggie is working so hard explaining what marriage is supposed to be about, instead of actually doing anything to help save marriages and to help people in need.

NOM, I will also remind you, earlier this week said most young Americans are promiscuous and uneducated. Lovely. Way to win friends and build coalitions, Maggie!

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to protect marriage and the faith communities that sustain it.”

Really? Prove it, Maggie.

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