Maggie Gallagher: John McCain Lost Presidency Over Gay Marriage

NOM, the National Organization for Marriage, aside from being a small group of evil bigots and fear-mongers, hate-mongers who use religion instead of the constitution as a basis for trying to deny inalienable rights to same-sex couples, today linked to a piece in Politico, and claimed that Senator John McCain lost his 2008 presidential run because of his position on gay marriage, especially pointing the finger at his campaign manager who supports marriage equality.

Here’s the money quote:

John McCain, while running for president, sought to minimize the social issues–and lost under the guidance of pro-gay marriage Republican consultant Steve Schmidt.  Now, in a race for his life in Arizona, he ran a totally different campaign–and won.  Will the elites learn?

Nevermind the fact that a race for president is different from a race for senator.

Nevermind that Barack Obama is a worthy opponent and J.D. Hayworth is a used-car salesman-like redneck jackass.

Nevermind the fact that Sarah Palin ran McCain’s campaign into the ground and made him a laughing stock.

Yes, Maggie, “gay marriage,” the root of all evil, is the reason John McCain — who clearly does NOT support it — lost his presidential bid.

Can anyone say, “whackjob?”

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