Maggie Gallagher Calls Barack Obama A “Liar”

Seriously, folks.

Can you believe this? Maggie Gallagher, the Chairman of the National Organization For Marriage, (which just kicked off their hatefest, “Summer For Marriage Tour 2010” today,) came out in her National Review column and called the President of the United States a “liar.”

And she doesn’t even have the guts to actually say, “I think the president is a liar.” She uses “the American people” — something the GOP loves to do lately — to call him a “liar.”

Gallagher writes,

“In the pages of National Review Online, Prof. Robby George (who, full disclosure, was founding chairman of NOM) provocatively asked whether, on the marriage question, President Obama was a bigot or a liar. The American people are increasingly concluding, on a broad array of issues, that the answer is “liar.”

President Obama’s sham defense of the Defense of Marriage Act is a good example of the gap between his words and his actions.

(emphasis added.)

Maggie, I have the guts to write what I believe.

I believe you are a liar.

I believe you are a hate-filled homophobe.

I believe you are a bigot.

I believe the American people, whom you now claim to speak for, were they to know the truth about you and NOM, would tear down NOM and everything you have ever tried to shove down their throats.

I believe, Maggie, the day will come that marriage equality is the law of the land.

That day will come, Maggie. And I promise you I will do everything in my power to make that happen.


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