Maddow: Huh? So? GOP Has Been Filibustering Everything, Everyday, For 4 Years!

This is why I adore Rachel Maddow, and now why I adore Senator Debbie Stabenow.

“If you’re the death star and you’ve just blown up Alderon, you can’t threaten to blow it up, it’s blown up, you already did it. Republicans have already blown up the Senate. Republicans are threatening to start obstructing things now? To not let a majority vote make the decisions anymore in the United States Senate? Are you kidding me? There’s nothing left to blow up.”

“So the super majority that is reserved in our constitution for extra special extra weighty stuff like ratifying treaties and impeaching people, that super majority threshold is now used for every single hi, how are you, let’s name a post office piece of anything that has to go through the united states senate. Republicans in the minority of that body have essentially just made it so.”


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