Lt. Dan Choi’s Military Board Recommends Discharge

West Point grad Lt. Dan Choi, an Iraq War veteran and Arabic linguist, is gay. He came out recently on The Rachel Maddow Show. And today he had his discharge hearing. Because if you’re in the U.S. military, and you’re gay, and you get found out, you get kicked out. That’s the way “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” works.

Today, in Syracuse, NY, a military board recommended Choi be discharged for being gay. It is not the final step. The Post-Standard reports:

“The recommendation is not a final decision. Another recommendation will be made by the Commander of the First Army, a regional branch of the army. The chief of the National Guard Bureau has the final decision.

“I’m disappointed,” said Choi at a news conference tonight.”Today was a setback for me.”

But Choi said he plans to appeal to higher ranking officers. “I refuse to lie about my love relationship,” he said.”

Here’s a shot from Lt. Choi’s Twitter page, taken just moments ago:

Choi became a bit of an LGBTQ celebrity, thanks to his intelligence, passion, and dedication to his country. I had the honor of hearing him speak recently at the NYC Gay Pride Rally. He was truly impressive. One of the most impressive things about Lt. Choi is that he has said repeatedly that if he is discharged, and DADT is repealed, he will be the first in line to re-enlist.

Here’s Choi on The Rachel Maddow Show:

There was surprisingly little news about today’s events. Leading up to today, Courage Campaign posted an online petition to save Lt. Choi’s job. Over 260,000 people have signed it. Here’s the only news we have, via Knights Out, the organization Choi and others founded for LGBT military members. Here’s what Choi wrote, in reverse chronological order, I believe:

“More updates…expected verdict soon.

More from Dan Choi:

About three hours of deliberation and no vrdict yet. Every witness on both sides said I was an asset to the unit and the only evidence were statements of homosexuality . My statement included Arabic poem, I am gay, refuse to lie, my duty to ensure the message to every gay soldier that they are not alone.

Message from Dan Choi….2:50pm

“Still awaiting their verdict… I’ve received support text messages from around the world, and most importantly the members of my unit. My statement talked about Army values of integrity and sending a message from Knights Out to all the deployed soldiers or anyone who feels isolated, that indeed NO soldier stands alone. (Outside the hearing room is a poster with that exact message.) I also said I am gay. I refused to lie, and told them I refuse to stay silent, particularly since the soldiers in my unit respect honesty above personal gain. I recited the Iraqi poem of historic fame and of course translated it myself. In Arabic English and transliterated English. I presented the total 260,000 support letters and signatures to include statements by generals, admirals, and congressmen. I refuse to go quietly, and explained this as my duty.”

Updates from the hearing…from Sue Fulton…communications director

10:55am: Still no word from Dan, but 2 local tv stations are outside the gate. Marg, Pen, and I have a press rm set up @ the hotel.

11:41am: Dan at lunch break and afterwards the board plans to deliberate. Margaret suggests calling governor and president asking for immediate intervention! Tell them 3 brave women were prepared to support and stand up for Dan…why won”t they? Call now!

11:46am: Dan had just come out and talked to reporters so thank God I stayed off camera. CNN-NBC affiliate was happy so that’s good.

1:30pm: Back at the Best Western awaiting news from Dan. Inside now so it stopped raining again

1:43pm: Last night Margaret helped Dan print out OVER 150 letters of support! Plus 250,000 petition signatures.

At 8:00 am on Tuesday, June 30th, in Syracuse, NY, a board of Army Officers will convene to determine the fate of 1LT Dan Choi’s military career.

The address is 6900 Thompson Road, Syracuse, NY.

NOW is the time for FULL CITIZENSHIP for all Americans – for all the rights and responsibilities that some Americans take for granted – including the right for LGBT individuals to serve in the military.

Please continue to check the website for updates. If you can attend a protest rally in Syracuse, contact SpiritCPT@knightsout.org”

The post is dated Mon, 06/29/2009 – 06:53, but it seems that’s the original date and it was updated this afternoon a few times.

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