Look: Liz Cheney Announces Run For Senate, Twitter Explodes Into Hysterics

Liz Cheney, the eldest daughter of former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney late this afternoon announced she will run for the U.S. Senate from the state of Wyoming. Cheney will be challenging a sitting Republican U.S. Senator, Mike Enzi, who was not considered vulnerable — until now.

Challenging a sitting Senator from your own party is fairly rare — unless you’re a member of the Tea Party, a label apparently Cheney is bucking to earn.

She has spent years just a few steps to the left of anti-Islam hate group leader Pamela Geller, and her extremist rhetoric makes her father look like a liberal RINO.

Cheney’s embarrassingly low-budget video announcement makes clear she is ill-equipped to run a top-notch Senate bid (I had to use an audio amplifier program just to hear her properly, and the video could not be more boring.)

And her video makes clear her positions: Liz Cheney is running on a “religious liberties,” “family values,” extreme anti-Obama platform. How original.

Take a look, count the fabrications:


Cheney, a war-monger like her father, is 46, has five children, and is married to the former General Counsel of the United States Department of Homeland Security. Amusingly, four of her five children attend a private school in Virginia, so actually being “the senator from Wyoming” seems like a huge hurdle. Liz and her husband, Phillip Perry (Cheney kept her maiden name for obvious reasons) bought a house in — don’t laugh — the Equality State (yes, that’s Wyoming’s nickname) last year.

From 2002-2003, Cheney worked at a job reportedly created just for her at the State Department, and then left to support her father’s re-election campaign. The short stint at State gave her the “credibility” to be a cable TV news pundit and start her anti-Islam organization, Keep America Safe, which by many accounts worked to do the exact opposite. The organization was started with fellow neoconservative war-hawk William Kristol, who also operates the radical right wing website Washington Free Beacon, along with the better-known conservative site, The Weekly Standard.

Liz Cheney actually was a national co-chair for Fred Thompson’s ludicrous 2008 presidential bid.

Of course, should Cheney actually become a U.S. Senator, know America is one step closer to another war in the Middle East.

Now that you have this quick background of Liz Cheney, enjoy this laughfest that her announcement immediately sparked on Twitter this afternoon:

[View the story “Liz Cheney Senate Run Sparks Instant Laughfest On Twitter” on Storify]

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