Look: Even In Death, Breitbart Hypocrisy Lives

Ah, yes, Andrew Breitbart must still be giving orders, even in death… Above, a screenshot of the front page of Breitbart.com, taken today: “EXCLUSIVE BEN SMITH RELEASES SELECTIVELY EDITED OBAMA RACE VIDEO.”

Via Wikipedia:

Breitbart was also involved in the 2009 ACORN video controversy. Hannah Giles posed as a prostitute seeking assistance while James O’Keefe portrayed her boyfriend, and clandestinely videotaped meetings with ACORN staff. Subsequent criminal investigations by the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office and the California Attorney General found the videos were heavily edited in an attempt to make ACORN’s responses “appear more sinister”, and contributed to the group’s demise. Breitbart then provided a forum for O’Keefe on his BigGovernment.com and defended his actions on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Channel program.

In July 2010 Breitbart was accused of smearing USDA official Shirley Sherrod with a video titled “Proof NAACP Awards Racism“. Breitbart’s video showed Sherrod speaking at a NAACP fundraising dinner in March 2010 in which she admitted to a racial reluctance to helping a white man get government aid. In response to the video, the NAACP condemned Sherrod and cheered her July 19 dismissal from government service. Following criticism for editing Sherrod’s words out of context, Breitbart posted the full 40-minute video of the speech. Citing the full video the NAACP said that Breitbart’s edited video of the speech “snookered” them: elsewhere in her speech, Sherrod said her reluctance to help a white man was wrong and she had ended up assisting him. The NAACP also reversed their rebuke of Sherrod. Shortly thereafter Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack apologized to Sherrod and offered her a new job. In 2011, Sherrod sued Breitbart for defamation, and despite Breibart’s death Sherrod could continue her suit by holding Breibart’s estate as liable. Breibart said he never intended to portray Sherrod as a racist. Instead, his target was the NAACP and the audience’s reaction to parts of the speech to show the NAACP as racist.

For their part, Ben Smith via Twitter notes:

We published every second of Obama WGBH had.

So…we scooped http://Breitbart.com, & thus they’re attacking us. FTR, we pub bed every second of Obama we had, via WGBH

They suggest we “selectively edited” it. Without bothering to ask us.

Oh, and here’s the Buzzfeed story and  video:


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