Look: DOJ Tells Florida, Stop Purging Voters, You’re Breaking The Law

Today, the Department of Justice told Florida’s Secretary of State to stop purging voters from the roll as it was in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the National Voter Registration Act. Florida’s Republican Governor Rick Scott, in what many called a disgusting attempt to remove Democratic and Hispanic voters for exercising their right to vote in November — and the August primary — had sent 180,000 voters letters stating they were not eligible to vote, often claiming they were not U.S. citizens.

Via Talking Points Memo:

DOJ also said that Florida’s voter roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act, which stipulates that voter roll maintenance should have ceased 90 days before an election, which given Florida’s August 14 primary, meant May 16.

“To enable us to meet our responsibility to enforce federal law, please inform us by June 6 of the action that the State of Florida plans to take concerning the matters discussed in this letter,” Christian Herren, chief of the voting section of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, wrote in the letter obtained by TPM. “Specifically, please advise whether the State intends to cease the practice discussed above, so that the Department can determine what futher action, if any, is necessary.”

TPM Docs: DOJ Demands Florida Stop Voter Purge


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