Look: Anti-Gay Hate Group Issues GOP Voter Guide

The Family Research Council’s FRC Action PAC — which is the “legislative arm” of the FRC, an SPLC-certified anti-gay hate group — has just released their GOP voter guide. Apparently, in the 19th-century world these right wing religious zealot extremists live, the most important issues facing America are abortion, stem cell research, human cloning, the estate tax, gay marriage, ENDA, so-called activist judges, “parental educational choice,” and gays in the military.

In other words, the Family Research Council, headed by Tony Perkins, is virulently obsessed with denying civil rights to women, gays, and other minorities — including immigrants — protecting the rich, and home-schooling.

Oddly, the Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare,” didn’t make their list. They must be slipping.

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The FRC recently called President Obama’s international LGBT rights policy “fanatical” and “cultural imperialism,” and went out of control upon learning the Senate had passed the Defense Authorization Act that included a repeal of sodomy laws, because, as Perkins cried, “there’s nothing there to prosecute bestiality.”

Because, apparently, in the world of Tony Perkins, the only thing that prevents Americans from screwing sheep, is the law. Apparently, Perkins has little trust of his fellow man, or of his fellow man’s sensibilities, which says a lot about Perkins.

Perkins, in September, had strongly suggested an unnamed American military leader lied to Congress in his testimony that supported repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. It’s not like we’re at war. If a Democrat had done that, the right would be apoplectic.

And last month, FRC, the so-​called “pro-​family” hate group, awarded a deadbeat dad Congressman — Tea Party Rep. Joe Walsh — a 100% “True Blue” rating. GOP family values, yeah!

Hat tip Joe.My.God.


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