Local NJ Paper’s Editorial: “Since when do we use the powers of the state to enforce one particular view of God’s will?”

Local NJ Paper’s Editorial: “Since when do we use the powers of the state to enforce one particular view of God’s will?”

The New Jersey Star-Ledger today published an editorial that excoriated the marriage equality debate in the Garden State. I urge you to read the entire piece (it’s short) but here are a few choice quotes:

“What to do? First, protect the right of religious leaders to act as they please, as this bill explicitly does. But since when do we use the powers of the state to enforce one view of God’s will over another? The Founders warned us about that.”

“Democracy is not just about majority rule. It also ensures that all citizens have equal standing under the law, even if it makes the majority uncomfortable.”

“The third argument we heard is that gay marriage somehow threatens traditional marriage. This one is more difficult to respect because it’s so insulting.”

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