Live Here Now! Anti-Gay Groups Join For GOP Family Values Presidential Debate

Today at 5:00 PM Eastern time, streaming live, straight (and I mean, “straight”) to you from the First Federated Church in Des Moines, Iowa, NOM, the National Organization For Marriage will join forces with Focus on the Family’s CitizenLink, Bob Vanderplaats’ The Family Leader, and Fox pollster Frank Luntz in Iowa for a GOP/Republican party/Tea Party family values presidential debate.


In other words, let’s beat up on gays, abortion, healthcare reform, jobs, maybe Occupy Wall Street, and so on, and so on. The GOP candidates (not all eight will be present) know they’ll be speaking directly to their base, the radical, religious right, so no doubt their rhetoric will be unvarnished.

Tom Minnery, the man Senator Al Franken eviscerated recently during a Senate hearing on DOMA (Minnery falsified evidence to the Senate panel!) wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post recently saying:

“During the depths of the Civil War, President Lincoln said that he had often been driven to his knees by the overwhelming realization that he had absolutely nowhere else to go. As we look to the years ahead, with the monumental challenges we face, many of us will be eager to know that we have a president who is also fortified by a sustaining faith, and we’ll want to know how that belief system will or will not rise in the hour when it is needed most.”

The tag line is, “All great change in America begins at the dinner table.” Ronald Reagan said that…

You get the gist.

You’ll have to watch online, as even C-SPAN isn’t airing this on TV.

Focus on the Family’s CitizenLink writes:

Two places viewers can find the Forum on the Internet: www.citizenlink.com and our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/citizenlink.

“When people drop by CitizenLink.com during that time, they’ll find a simplified page with just the video player and a few other items. For example, they’ll also be able to see what people are Tweeting about the Forum,” Shepard said. On the CitizenLink Facebook page, “look in the left-hand column for ‘Livestream.’ Click on that and you’re there.”

We’ll bring you a full report ASAP as well.

Nothing like an anti-gay bigotfest to start your Thanksgiving Weekend off Right…


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