Listen: Rush Limbaugh: Tucson Shooting Memorial “Political,” 9 Year-Old “Snuffed Out”

Rush Limbaugh’s show today on last night’s memorial service for the victims of Saturday’s massacre in Tucson, Arizona, that left six dead, including a nine-year old girl, three women in their seventies, and a federal judge, and a dozen or more wounded, including Gabby Giffords, the Democratic Congresswoman for that district.

I won’t attempt to transcribe or quote Rush here — you’ll have to listen to all ten minutes of his inane inner monologue to get the full effect. Seriously, it’s like Limbaugh is just in the car, driving to work, talking to himself and someone just happened to record it. Weird, anti-American, anti-people diatribe.

Limbaugh has a problem with the Native American who spoke first at the memorial, says the people about whom the memorial was were ignored. Limbaugh also says it was a pep rally and a political event, and not a memorial. Oh, and Rush thinks everything in America is hunky-dorrey and we shouldn’t say otherwise.

Rush evidently thinks he knows the only way to honor the fallen.


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