Listen: Anti-Gay, DUI Republican Senator: “I Am Gay.”

Anti-gay Republican California State Senator Roy Ashburn, arrested for DUI last week after leaving a gay bar, spoke today on a local California radio station, and declared, “I am gay.”

Saying, “I brought this on myself,” “I have been arrested for driving and drinking and I will — and I hope that I do, pay the consequence in the same manner that anyone would…”

“I’ve always believed I could keep my personal life personal, and my public life public, but through my personal actions I have made my personal life public…”

Gay Politics reports,

“Asked about his anti-gay voting record, Ashburn said, “I felt my duty, and I still feel this way, is to represent my constituents.”

“Radio talk show host Inga Barks wanted assurances that Ashburn would continue to vote in a conservative manner on LGBT rights issues.  Ashburn responded, “I believe firmly that my responsibility is to my constituents.  I will take a careful look at each measure and apply that standard.  How would they vote on this?  How would they want me to vote on this,” adding that most people understood what that means.”

Listen to the entire interview here. Ashburn’s statement, after Barks excoriates the media, starts at about 5:00 in.

At one point, Ashburn asks people to pray for him.


Part I

Part II

Joe.My.God. calls for someone to create a Facebook group, “1,000,000 Gay Men Against Roy Ashburn Having Sex Ever Again.” So they do.

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