Limbaugh: Colin Powell Will Vote For Obama Because “Melanin Is Thicker Than Water”

Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show today that former Bush Secretary of State Colin Powell will vote for President Obama again because “melanin is thicker than water.” Powell, considered a Republican, heavily supported Barack Obama in 2008, but came out over the weekend saying he had not yet decided who will get his vote in 2012.

Via ABC News:

“I haven’t decided who I’m going to vote for,” Powell said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “Just as was the case in 2008, I am going to watch the campaign unfold. In the course of my life I have voted for Democrats, I have voted for Republicans, I have changed from one four-year cycle to another.

“I’ve always felt it my responsibility as a citizen to take a look at the issues, examine the candidates, and pick the person that I think is best qualified for the office of the president in that year. And not just solely on the basis of party affiliation,” he said.

Asked about the Republican field, Powell said there are some “interesting candidates,” but no one who has “emerged into the leading position.”

“So let’s see if anybody else is going to join, and we’ve got a long way to go,” he added.

Last month, Limbaugh, the four-times married ultra-conservative falsely claimed that liberals only cared about marriage when gays started demanding it. Last year, Limbaugh said “I thank God every day that the Obama agenda is going down the tubes,” just a year after he proudly proclaimed of Obama, “I hope he fails!”

The Right Scoop writes, “I’m sure the MSM will be up in arms over this calling Rush a racist for even uttering such words. But what good reason could Powell have had for voting for Obama in the first place? His foreign policy experience? His military experience? His community organizing experience? No, we all knew Colin Powell endorsed Obama because he was black. It was a historic vote, remember? Even Rush said so much back in 2008 when Powell endorsed Obama, that it had everything to do with race. So why should we expect anything different now?”

Really? Amazing. Can you really say, “we all knew Colin Powell endorsed Obama because he was black” because Because “Rush said so.” Limbaugh has been inside Colin Powell’s head? Typical Right thinking.

Powell has been Secretary of State, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and National Security Advisor, among other high-level positions.


Thanks to Think Progress for the video.

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