Limbaugh: Al-Qaeda ‘Gave Up’ Bin Laden So Obama Could Get Re-Elected

Rush Limbaugh yesterday suggested that Al -Qaeda “gave up Osama bin Laden” so President Obama could get re-elected, because keeping Obama in office “furthers the cause.” While this is a totally outlandish theory, Limbaugh’s listeners — called “ditto heads” for a reason — blindly accept what her says as the gospel.

Further — and worse — as we saw in July when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s motorcade was attacked in Egypt, as protestors shouted “Monica!,” it turned out that “Egypt’s Glenn Beck” as he is called, had incited the rioting, as he spewed false information he culled from various right wing U.S. and even Canadian blogs.

The New York Times published an amazing story of how a conservative blogger with an agenda prompted a riot halfway around the world.

Meanwhile, Tuesday’s protests in Cairo and Benghazi were fueled by American Christian Pastor Terry Jones, who posted on YouTube a horrific film depicting the Muslim Prophet as gay, a pedophile, and engaging in bestiality.

Words and deeds have consequences. Sadly, rarely, do those responsible, pay.


Hat tip: Media Matters

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