LGBTQ Group Says, “You Want Our Money? Vote For Our Rights.”

You Should, Too.

A few weeks ago, the Supreme Court declared that money is speech.

Well, finally, LGBTQ groups have decided to stop “speaking,” as it were, to our elected representatives who don’t support us.

This kind of action has been brewing for almost a year. Pam Spaulding, early last year, created a program, saying the “GayTM is closed,” in advance of a DNC LGBT fundraiser that was hosted by Vice President Biden.

Then, a campaign started in November by John Aravosis of AmericaBlog, the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Give” pledge “not to donate to the Democratic National Committee, Organizing for America, or the Obama campaign until Congress passes, and the president signs, legislation enacting the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT), and repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)” has been gaining steam.

Via The Advocate:

“Garden State Equality, which suffered a heartbreaking marriage equality defeat in the New Jersey state legislature last month, announced that it would stop making financial contributions to political parties, and urged its individual members to do the same.”

In support of AmericaBlog’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Give” campaign, legendary civil rights activist and presidential advisor David Mixner weighed in last year. In, “Count Me In, The Time for Empty Promises Has Passed,” Mixner wrote,

“How many times has the LGBT civil rights movement been told over and over and over again to wait until after the next set of elections? Do they really believe we are that dumb? That we don’t realize that politics and elections change can change the political complexion of a nation overnight? We know that in the near future we will not see a time again when we will have sixty Democratic senators and a comfortable margin in the House. What makes our Democratic leaders think it will be better in 2011? Won’t we be told then to wait until after President Obama is re-elected?”

I am in full agreement.

Where was Robert Menendez when Scott Brown stole a seat the Dems held for 56 years? When is the last time Tim Kaine, the Chair of the DNC, showed his face? As I wrote a few weeks ago, “Democrats: Politics Is War. And We’re Getting Killed.”

Most importantly, it would seem the Obama administration’s plan is to treat us like dogs, giving us one piece of civil rights a year. It’s not enough.

As I wrote exactly three months ago, The Democratic Party is not our friend.

So, if a politician supports our platform: repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” repeal DOMA, enact ENDA, and support marriage equality in their state — and/or enacting federal legislation supporting full marriage equality, including at the federal level, great! Donate what you want.

If they do not have those specific words on their website, if there is not proof, if they have not come out fully in support of equality across all lines, then, tell them they can find money elsewhere.

(image based on this.)

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