LGBT Center

Tom Duane, Danny O’Donnell, Mika Kellner, Matt Tutone,

“I’m hopeful we will get an inclusive ENDA bill done by end of the year and if not, by early spring.”
“We want to repeal DOMA.”
“That effort to achieve marriage equality in every state will be slow.”
“I do believe this is the civil rights march of our generation.”
HIV/AIDS, Iraq’s treatment of LGBTQs, “disgraceful”
DADT repeal Udall, Lieberman, “I’m going to fight for every vote to get it to sixty, both Democrat and Republican.”
“There’s a strategy behind what we’re doing and we’re trying to get the right formula.”
Bi-national couples and immigration policies.
“Immigration on the table by january or February with a goal of trying to get a vote by March.”
Gay seniors,

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